
Plan B - Ill Manors

Ill Manors - Plan B

In the video "Ill Manors", the atmosphere is seen as chaotic and rage-filled. This is because the song is a reaction to the 2011 riots that occurred in London and is shown in the video with little snippets of the riots and switching to and from the actors in the music video who are dressed in typical "chav" outfits which are hoodies, ski masks or balaclavas. There are also a few scenes where it seems like a picture from newspapers such as the sun which is then criticised in the video when Plan B says "Keep on believing what you read in the papers" meaning that the media victimises the middle and lower class and the general public eat it up. This shows that the only way that the lower class are seen is through newspapers and are portrayed as dangerous and violent shown in the lyrics "Oi look there's a chav. That means Council Housed And Violent".  This is a sarcastic take on the British middle classes' stereotyping of chavs as thuggish and violent, referring to them as “chavs” meaning boyThe chaotic atmosphere in the video is further backed up by the camera movements where it is quickly jumps-cutting to the next scene and back and also to and from the videos of the riots which portrays a message of how anarchic riots can be when at full disarray. The music video is also set in Peckham and Inner London in which Plan B refers to it as a jungle and they are going on an "Urban Safari" solely added in as illegal migrants were presented as animals around the time that the riots were going on. 

The artist himself if represented as a lower class citizen backing up his community who struggle to speak out for themselves shown through the repetitive term of "rich kid" and the way he speaks in the video making it sound like he is illiterate and not well-spoken backing up his representation. He also is shown at the start of the video smoking what appears to be either a cigarette or a joint and throughout the video referencing to drugs and alcohol which backs up the way lower class citizens act because of the way they are treated.

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